Phil Shots – II

A walk down the just-washed-by-rain roads with the music from your earphones drowning the activity around you, to think of nothing but the music and feel the freshness of the breeze rushing onto your face, to turn all around and smile at the trees dripping with rain drops and also at the maddening traffic that zooms pastΒ  oblivious to these little things,Β  and to think, for atleast those few minutes, that there is not a worry in your world – EXQUISITE !

PS: It is truly an exhilarating feeling to conveniently ignore those heaps of work piled at your desk to spend a few moments to ponder about such ideal moments in a day ! πŸ˜€

Random thought of the moment : There are some things money cant buy. For everything else, there’s mastercard ! πŸ™‚


Vodpod videos no longer available.

Ah! And here it is – my first brush with code tweaks to put this stuff up on this page. Till date I had no clue that it was not possible to host videos, flash widgets etc on the normal WordPress blogs. Now, given that I am the kind of person who thinks about tube light replacement without even thinking of fiddling around with the starter, I should say I kind of surprised myself when I actually took the effort to Google around a bit and find a workaround. OK, now that is not really rocket science, and definitely not worth half a day ( a working day at that, on the workstation at that ! :P), but still, pat on the back, for whatever its worth ! GeekyCoder – Take a bow ! πŸ˜€